Monday, December 29, 2003
Sunday, December 28, 2003
I had a very special visitor today. Mocha Lele came and visited me. But she wasn't up to playing with me for some reason...she kept jumping on aunt Linda and mommy's laps everytime I tried to play chase with her. I barked and barked out of frustration and scared her even more. I was so bored and had to find something to do. I eyed a carry bag that Lele was carried in and sniffed and sniffed...until finally I lifted my leg up and out came my pee pee. Mommy screamed for me to stop but I had already finished.....whoops, I couldn't help it. It's a male dominance thing I believe. It just happened, I didn't mean it....sorry Lele. So I ended up playing with my favourite ball for the rest of the night.
the nerve of her to sit on my bed
mommy, why won't she play with me?

the nerve of her to sit on my bed

mommy, why won't she play with me?
Saturday, December 27, 2003
Friday, December 26, 2003
Thursday, December 25, 2003
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Thursday, December 11, 2003
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Since it was so mild today, I went for a long walk with Mommy today. It was a bit rainy but I loved every moment of it. Mommy doesn't like it when I take my time and sniff the grass but I love it...sniff, sniff, sniff. I just want to smell the other dogs that passed by, you know they say that when a dog marks on a post of a fire hydrant, they're leaving a message for the other dogs, some are saying "hello" and others are saying, "this is my post suckers".
I'm working on my leash walking but I still have to be patient and wait for Mommy. I like to tug and walk ahead of her, so I walk her instead....teehehehe. I also like to chase the cars and bikes that go by, that's a big no no for Mommy and Daddy. Can't help it......I'm a dog....woof woof.
I'm working on my leash walking but I still have to be patient and wait for Mommy. I like to tug and walk ahead of her, so I walk her instead....teehehehe. I also like to chase the cars and bikes that go by, that's a big no no for Mommy and Daddy. Can't help it......I'm a dog....woof woof.
Sunday, December 07, 2003
Saturday, December 06, 2003
Friday, December 05, 2003
I went to Petsmart with Mommy today and surprise suprise......she got me more festive things, like this collar with bells....for goodness sakes! Now I can double for a cow! MOOO MOOO. I did get a huge milk bone though...so that's ok.
My comments are gone for now but will be back up soon. Mommy deleted it by accident and so she's trying to fix it with her computer skills....or lack there of....ehehe. Just kidding mommy, I love you still.

My comments are gone for now but will be back up soon. Mommy deleted it by accident and so she's trying to fix it with her computer skills....or lack there of....ehehe. Just kidding mommy, I love you still.
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Mommy got me a leopard collar.......and no, I don't like it. The lil' doggies at daycare make fun of it. Mommy seems to have a kick dressing me as a girl these days. She found some nail polish made just for dogs...might I add, for girl dogs right? Only human girls wear nail polish so that means only girl dogs can wear this Opi Pawlish! I'll do anything for a laugh so I can get a treat but this may be the last straw!
On to a different topic....you see the pinkish colour underneath my eyes? Well, it's from my tears, they're staining my cute face. Mommy says it's from the furnace, which makes me sneeze and get teary eyed. I have doggie allergies apparently. Does anyone know of any tips on how to remove the tear stains or to prevent me from tearing up? Mommy tries to wipe my tears but my tears are too fast for her. Any tips would be great. WOOF!
Monday, December 01, 2003
I got my stitches taken out today from my big snip, it was a breeze, I didn't even wince. I even got to see another pug while we were waiting at the vet, his name is Chewy....apparently, his name is from some dude from Star Wars....what ever. That lil' bugger kept barking at me so I showed him who's boss and barked my biggest loudest bark....WOOF WOOF WOOF! That scared him at first but then he kept barking so I kept barking. Mommy got annoyed that she had to cover her ears. Chewy's mommy finally put him down so we can sniff eachother but he started to back away and cry....ah ha! What a chicken! Mommy says I do the same thing when I see other dogs bigger than me.....I beg to differ.
Sunday, November 23, 2003
I've been informed that pig ear pieces may block my wind pipes and that I may die from this blockage! From now on, mommy says that pig ears will be given to me under her supervision and someone has to be holding the pig ear for me while I chew on it from the other side, I don't mind that at all....now that's the life!
Thanks to Oji for the tip = )
Thanks to Oji for the tip = )
Saturday, November 22, 2003
Chewing on pig ear pieces are one of my favourite things to do. See, I don 't always sleep and eat, I like to chew. Today I was chewing on a pig ear on mommy's bed and I tried to swallow the whole thing because I figure it would be less chewing for me...my jaw gets sore. So, I'd swallow it, and gag it back up and swallow and gag it back up, swallow and gag it back up.........you get the idea and eventually, I swallowed it but a few minutes later, I gagged it back up along with my breakfast. Well, mommy threw a fit because she just washed her sheets last week. I'm sorry, so so sorry mommy.
Thursday, November 20, 2003
After waiting 9 hours for mommy and daddy to come home, I eagerly greet them at the door, frantically jumping up on them and wanting their attention. I whine, wag my butt and, get this, stomp my lil' paws until I get a kiss and a rub and then I furiously search for a chew toy to bring so I can play fetch and be petted and stroked on the head like a good dog I am. Yup, that is my daily routine when my parents come home. Woof woof!
Monday, November 17, 2003
I'm feeling very up to par this Monday. My swelling has gone down and I'm eating more than ever...teeheheh...I think people are feeding me because they feel sorry for me, but they don't know that I'm better as ever...shhh...it'll be our secret.
To make me "feel better" (wink wink) after my big snip, one of Mommy's co-workers got me a goodie bag full of treats....look at how Mommy is taunting me with it as I sigh, hah! The jokes on her.
To make me "feel better" (wink wink) after my big snip, one of Mommy's co-workers got me a goodie bag full of treats....look at how Mommy is taunting me with it as I sigh, hah! The jokes on her.

Saturday, November 15, 2003
I've been couped up in the house all day, mommy thinks it's not safe for me to venture out for walks just yet but I want to smell the grass, the leaves, the fire hydrants, and the air... darnit! At least I can eat.
Well, auntie Linda felt so sorry for me that she bought one of her friend's new pup over. Meet Lee-Lee, the toy poodle. I was a very well behaved gentleman around the new pup and even let her paw me, jump on me and chew my tail. Mommy was so proud of me because she thinks I'm a hyper lil' fellow with other dogs but I wasn't with lil' Lee-Lee. I am romping around again, like ol' times. Notice Lee-Lee's matching sweater set and carry case her mommy made? How goofy was that? I'm praying mommy doesn't do anything crazy like that to me.
Well, auntie Linda felt so sorry for me that she bought one of her friend's new pup over. Meet Lee-Lee, the toy poodle. I was a very well behaved gentleman around the new pup and even let her paw me, jump on me and chew my tail. Mommy was so proud of me because she thinks I'm a hyper lil' fellow with other dogs but I wasn't with lil' Lee-Lee. I am romping around again, like ol' times. Notice Lee-Lee's matching sweater set and carry case her mommy made? How goofy was that? I'm praying mommy doesn't do anything crazy like that to me.

Friday, November 14, 2003
It's been a long day for me. Mommy took me to the vet bright and early this morning.....I thought I was going to doggie daycare but found out it was my 'big day'. I've never been so scared, shaking like a leaf and wondering what was going to happen to me, I cried and cried after mommy kissed me goodbye. But the surgery was a breeze, it was over in 15 minutes, although I was under medication, it felt good to sleep. The vet used isoflurane anaesthesia on me because it's not as strong, cuz you know pugs are very sensitive to anaesthesia. I also got my liver, heart and blood check and I'm all fine and dandy.
After the surgery, I waited and waited for mommy and daddy to pick me and and finally, they came, it seemed forever. I didn't even recognize my family because I was so groggy but when I heard mommy's voice, I jumped right into her arms...then I realized that I should be mad at her for letting the doc snip my manhood, so I jumped in daddy's arms but all was forgiven when I got home.
I'm still a little sore tonight and my stitches are bothering me. I want to lick it but mommy is not letting me. And the worse part of this is not getting to eat! Boo hoo. I'm going to rest up now and dream about soft milk bones and pig ears. Don't worry, I'll be up in no time and cause a bit of trouble, like I always do.
After the surgery, I waited and waited for mommy and daddy to pick me and and finally, they came, it seemed forever. I didn't even recognize my family because I was so groggy but when I heard mommy's voice, I jumped right into her arms...then I realized that I should be mad at her for letting the doc snip my manhood, so I jumped in daddy's arms but all was forgiven when I got home.
I'm still a little sore tonight and my stitches are bothering me. I want to lick it but mommy is not letting me. And the worse part of this is not getting to eat! Boo hoo. I'm going to rest up now and dream about soft milk bones and pig ears. Don't worry, I'll be up in no time and cause a bit of trouble, like I always do.
Thursday, November 13, 2003
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
I just want to let my loyal readers know that I do read your comments so don't think I don't notice them and special thanks goes to Oscar, my pug buddy who was my first comment person....er....pup!
I have 4 beds around the house, not including mommy's bed. One in the living room, another in the kitchen, one in the dining room, and one in the den. Ask me if I sleep in any of them.......nope, I only sleep in mommy's bed, which makes mommy not too happy because I don't use any of the comfy beds she bought me. I even prefer to sleep on the hard tile or the fuzzy wuzzy carpet instead of my fleece bed. And let me tell you, I'm not a picky eater, I never discriminate from any food. I always tell mommy that it's a good thing I'm a simple dog that loves simple pleasures in life. No fancy dog bed will make me as happy as rolling around with mommy and daddy. WOOF WOOF!
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Monday, November 10, 2003

My favourite sleeping position, on my back and in daddy's arms.
On to the day's events.....
Woke up at 7 am.....well mommy did, I stayed in bed while she got ready for work, I want to get my full beauty rest ya know?
Mommy left for work at 8 am, but not before she put that yucky ointment stuff in my eye and gave me a kong toy stuffed with peanut butter. She thinks she's distracting me while she makes a run for the door to leave, but I know she's leaving anyway, I just want my peanut butter. I don't always get peanut butter, mommy only gives that when she's in rush to hurry out the door for work. I always cry when I see her take her keys and put on her shoes, but when she gives me the peanut butter, I'm all better...until I finish my treat, I run to the window and wait for her to go home. I miss mommy a lot while she's at work.
8:30 am to 4:45 pm, I take naps, run around and play with my aunt Linda and Uncle Hank, eat breakfast, go by the window and check for mommy, go back to my nap and the cycle goes on.
4:45 pm, my tail is wagging like crazy because mommy is home! It's time for me to play mommy's shadow, I follow her every move because she's my bestest friend.
5:00 pm, dinner..yummmm, then I get to play with my toys and chase mommy and daddy around until I tire them out. I play daddy's shadow if mommy is busy.
9:00 pm, bedtime for me, I sleep by mommy's feet, sometimes on top of her feet while she's on her computer updating my site! Then when she goes to bed, I follow her and cuddle right under the covers with her. I'm in heaven.....nighty night.
Sunday, November 09, 2003
I like to eat and sleep, and that's what I do best. I should howl a song about it....awoooo....awooooo.....
One of my favourite places to sleep in is on the mat in front of the door. Mommy hates it when I sleep there cuz she says "It's dirty there". Well, I just happen to love the smell of shoes ok mommy! I always want to be the first to greet the guests so when I sleep, I might miss out on some barking action so that's why I choose to sleep on the "dirty mat". That way, I'm right beside the front entrance....there is a method to my madness, as mommy would say.

One of my favourite places to sleep in is on the mat in front of the door. Mommy hates it when I sleep there cuz she says "It's dirty there". Well, I just happen to love the smell of shoes ok mommy! I always want to be the first to greet the guests so when I sleep, I might miss out on some barking action so that's why I choose to sleep on the "dirty mat". That way, I'm right beside the front entrance....there is a method to my madness, as mommy would say.
Saturday, November 08, 2003
My eyes are bothering me again, I'm pawing it like a mad man. Can't help it, soo itchy. I try to run away when Mommy comes towards me with that eye ointment the vet gave me. It's kind of fun making mommy run around...hahaha, she'll never be as fast as me, eventhough I'm a hefty husky boy, I still can run like a bullet. Na na na na na Naaaaaaaa. Opps, gotta run, here she comes again with that yucky ointment.
Friday, November 07, 2003
I'm a star! My face is in the Windsor Human Society Website from the "Paws in the Park Walkathon" I am so proud of myself! My friend, Zeus, is also on there too! He's the one with the red baseball cap. I'm all the way a the bottom of the page, maybe next year, I'll be at the top!
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
I went to doggie daycare again today. Mommy says that she'll be taking me weekly for a few weeks, which is not a problem with me, I like to play with all my new friends, and especially the nice people there, Heather, Karen and Amy. I can't wait until next week.
Monday, November 03, 2003
I've been told many times that I like to 'pass gas'. Hey, it's not my fault that I LOVE to eat just about anything that smells good. Humans get to eat all the good stuff, I bet you they pass way more gas than I do. woof woof! I like to sit in front of the humans as they devour their food as they look into my sweet innocent eyes, I even make them water a bit so they'd feel real sorry for me and give in and let me have a taste....yummy. Mommy always warns her guests not to feed me, even with my sweet face staring at their food, sometimes I even drool, and I always get away with some food, when mommy isn't looking that is. I always get my way.....woof woof!
Saturday, November 01, 2003
I had a great time on Halloween. Mommy dressed me up in a clown outfit as I scared off all the lilttle trick-or-treaters with my barking. I barked so much that mommy had to sit outside to give out the candy as I watched and barked from the living room window. I was only barking because I wanted all the candy to myself, why should all the lil' kids have all the fun?
Here are some pictures of other ridiculous hats that mommy put on me.
Howdy partna!
Just right for a Chinese Pug....
I just love this costume thing
My Bruce Lee imitation.....whoa......weee...yah!
Ok, this is my last and final one......Mommy's witch hat
Here are some pictures of other ridiculous hats that mommy put on me.

Howdy partna!

Just right for a Chinese Pug....

I just love this costume thing

My Bruce Lee imitation.....whoa......weee...yah!

Ok, this is my last and final one......Mommy's witch hat
Friday, October 31, 2003
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
I went to doggie day care today because mommy thinks I need to socialize with dogs since I stay home all day and sleep until she comes home. So that means I get to go once a week and have some fun.
I stayed for the whole day until mommy came and picked me up after work. I had so much fun playing with all the other dogs. I even met 3 other pugs. Mommy was worried when she walked me into the door because I marked the entrance, the pamphlet rack and then the bookshelf in the reception area when I first walked in. But the teacher assured me that it's normal because I was just scared...but mommy looked horrified and embarrassed. But I proved to the teachers that I was a very well behaved dog and knew where to do my real business.
I can't wait until I go again next week!!
I found out what 'the snip' meant. Uh-oh.....Nov. 14th is the day.....Tug, my pug buddy from day care told me that it's not going to feel so good......yikes!
I stayed for the whole day until mommy came and picked me up after work. I had so much fun playing with all the other dogs. I even met 3 other pugs. Mommy was worried when she walked me into the door because I marked the entrance, the pamphlet rack and then the bookshelf in the reception area when I first walked in. But the teacher assured me that it's normal because I was just scared...but mommy looked horrified and embarrassed. But I proved to the teachers that I was a very well behaved dog and knew where to do my real business.
I can't wait until I go again next week!!
I found out what 'the snip' meant. Uh-oh.....Nov. 14th is the day.....Tug, my pug buddy from day care told me that it's not going to feel so good......yikes!
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Sunday, October 26, 2003
I went to the vet today for my eye problem from Friday. Mommy didn't want to take any chances and wanted to check if my eye was really ok. A pug's eye can't be ignored because our eyes bulge right out of our heads and sometimes it's the first thing that gets hit when we bump into things, sometimes I wish my snout is longer.
We had to go to a 24 hour vet because my regular vet was closed Sundays so I was more scared than usual. I kept barking at the other patients waiting, there was a cat, first time encountering a cat and a small Yorkie.
We waited for an hour, I was getting restless but stuck it out. The vet put some green ointment on my eye to see if there was any scratches on my corneas and there was a tiny one and then I had my temperature taken, hated that part, and had my legs and tummy messaged to see if my joints and bowels were ok. Hey, I thought this was for my eyes only! Then I had a shot near my bum bum, the vet said it was to prevent me from scratching my eye with my paw. Mommy and daddy couldn't understand why a shot would work that way but they wanted what was best for me.
I'm going to take a nap now, it's been a long afternoon.
We had to go to a 24 hour vet because my regular vet was closed Sundays so I was more scared than usual. I kept barking at the other patients waiting, there was a cat, first time encountering a cat and a small Yorkie.
We waited for an hour, I was getting restless but stuck it out. The vet put some green ointment on my eye to see if there was any scratches on my corneas and there was a tiny one and then I had my temperature taken, hated that part, and had my legs and tummy messaged to see if my joints and bowels were ok. Hey, I thought this was for my eyes only! Then I had a shot near my bum bum, the vet said it was to prevent me from scratching my eye with my paw. Mommy and daddy couldn't understand why a shot would work that way but they wanted what was best for me.
I'm going to take a nap now, it's been a long afternoon.
Saturday, October 25, 2003
My good friend, the 'taco bell' dog, Dim Sum came to visit me today. I had a good time chasing him around but he's way too fast for me and he can jump on the couch, which I try to do but keep falling short. My stubby legs are not made for that yet. I think he's annoyed of me because I keep wanting to play, you see, he's 2 years older than I am and he doesnt' have enough energy to keep up with a young pup like me.
But it was great having him over because I'm the only dog in the family.
But it was great having him over because I'm the only dog in the family.
Friday, October 24, 2003
I had a scare tonight, I was playing as usual at daddy's house and auntie Karyn noticed that my right eye was red, tearing up and I was blinking really fast. Mommy ran right by my side and examined it. She could tell that my eye was really hurt so she rinsed it out with water and I hate water on me so next thing I know, I'm running out of her arms and ran right into a wall. I yelped and got mommy more worried. She decided to take me home to rest so hopefully my eye will be better tomorrow morning. I have a doggie class tomorrow at Blue Prints so I want to be 100%. I hope mommy is still not too worried about me.

How do you like my new charm for Halloween? I got this at the Petsmart Howl-o-ween costume party. Notice that it actually says 'howl-o-ween' on it! It even glows in the dark! Double WOW!
Thursday, October 23, 2003
I've been so spoiled lately, I got to sleep on the bed with mommy all month so far, I wonder why she's letting me? Maybe because I'm totally potty trained and she trusts me! I love to cuddle in her arms, but most times, I move a lot because I like to sleep in all sorts of spots around mommy's bed, above her head, near her foot, on her foot, in her arms,on her belly.....I guess I do that because mommy hogs the bed, I suggest a bigger bed, right mommy?
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Remember my friend, Dim Sum, aka the taco bell dog, aka the Chihuahua? Well, he has a new brother, another taco bell dog. His name is Chiko and he's not very playful. He won't let me sniff him and he doesn't want to ever play with me. He growls at me all the time. But I'm glad Dim Sum is still my friend. At least Dim Sum doesn't mark everything in his sight. Shhhh, don't tell Chiko I said that. I'm kind of afraid of him, yes, I know, he's the size of my paw but he has a mean bark you know.
Well, today, I came over daddy's house and smelled Chiko's scent all over so I decided to tell him who's boss, so I marked everywhere Chiko marked. Hahaha, look who's smart now Chiko. Somehow, Mommy and Daddy was not impressed with what I did and yelled at me. Mommy said "I can't wait until the snip". I wonder what that means??? That doesn't sound too good.
Well, today, I came over daddy's house and smelled Chiko's scent all over so I decided to tell him who's boss, so I marked everywhere Chiko marked. Hahaha, look who's smart now Chiko. Somehow, Mommy and Daddy was not impressed with what I did and yelled at me. Mommy said "I can't wait until the snip". I wonder what that means??? That doesn't sound too good.
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Aunt Linda and Mommy took me to Petsmart today because they were having the Howl-o-ween Costume Party. My pumpkin costume was a big hit but unfortunately, I didn't win. My neighborhood buddy, Phil won, he was a scary Pirate! I'm glad he won. I also saw another neighbor dog, Zeus, we sniffed eachother like ol' buddies.
Here's me in the orange pumpkin suit, Zeus, in the red cap, and Phil the Pirate.
Here's the competition line up
Mommy and I posing for the camera
Say Cheeez!

Here's me in the orange pumpkin suit, Zeus, in the red cap, and Phil the Pirate.

Here's the competition line up

Mommy and I posing for the camera

Say Cheeez!
Monday, October 20, 2003
So I told ya'll I'm trained in the litter box as well as going outside on the grass right? Well, I went in the litter box as usual today and guess what happens? I lifted up my legs and went on mommy's wallpaper. I guess Mommy never expected me to lift my legs up in the litter box but I did, now, my pee pee did make it in the litter box but it had to go down the wallpaper first....whoopsi..... Sorry Mommy.
Friday, October 17, 2003
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Monday, October 13, 2003
Friday, October 10, 2003
I am a barker. I admit it, I bark at anything that passes my eye, a flying leaf, kids on bikes, joggers going by, even cars. My daddy and mommy does not like it when I do this. They are trying really hard to train me not to bark by rattling a can of pennies, waving a treat in front of my eye, even growling at me but it doesn't work. I am very curious and all I want is to say hi but I end up making people run away from me. I'm so little, what harm can I do?
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Daddy was playing with me last night and guess what happened? One of my back molars came out when I was chewing on my ball! Daddy swooped it up before I got to it and showed it to Mommy. She made a big commotion and gave me a full soft milk bone! Now it's in my puppy album....I have a puppy album? Well, I guess I shouldn't have swallowed all the other teeth, just imagine how much milk bones I would've gotten!
Monday, September 29, 2003
Mommy and I went to PetSmart today to get some more doggie treats. I marked in the store, which made mommy worried that I'd mark at home too but I didn't....yet.
Thursday, September 18, 2003

I went to a walkathon today. I walked for the Windsor Essex County Humane Society and raised $75. I even walked the whole way!!! My paws were sore but I made it. Mommy and daddy was so happy that I actually did it because I don't like to go for walks and everytime mommy or daddy takes me around the block in the neighborhood, I bark at everyone. I can't help it, I just want to say hi but everyone just runs away or ignores me. Mommy says that I'm too excited when I see people.

This is Winston, he has allergies with his skins so he's wearing a shirt, it's very stylish too.

Here's a baby bulldog called Winith the Pooh. She's a cutie.
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