I injured myself over the weekend. I was coming up the stairs and stubbed my toe nail on the edge of the steps. My nail cracked and dug into the skin of my paw, it was painful. Everytime I walked, the cracked nail made me bleed more. Mommy and Daddy panicked because at first they didn't know where all the blood was coming from. I kept bleeding and bleeding so I had to be taken to the vet.
The vet checked my bones to make sure I didn't break anything and wrapped me up in this horrible and uncomfortable bandage. Now I walk with a limp and since it's raining out, I have to wear a bag over my bandages so it doesn't get wet.

It's no fun being hurt.

I can't do much, I can't even go out for walks until I'm healed.
Mommy and Daddy tries to trick me when they feed me these antibiotics. They cover the pills with cheese to make me think I'm eating only cheese, but I know better than that. I only eat it because I want them to think they're smart. Arf Arf!